Tuesday, November 19, 2013


This morning I saw a beautiful rainbow, so bright and clear that my cellphone camera could have caught it.  I was in the swimming pool, so I didn't have my cell phone with me, but it was beautiful.
Why does the gay political movement use a rainbow with clearly delineated stripes as its emblem?  It seems to represent the idea that there are different types of people, and they are clearly delineated.  Real rainbows, on the other hand, like the one I saw this morning, have colors that bleed into each other, creating a spectrum with infinite color variations.  I love rainbows.  They are used as a symbol of the covenant Noah made with Jehovah.

Noah lived in the time after all the righteous in the world had gathered in the City of Enoch and were taken up to walk with God.  It must have been very hard for Noah to live in a time when all the righteous were gone.  I can't imagine how alone he must have felt, different from everyone else, not willing to conform to the societal norms, but trying to love them and lead them as a prophet of God, anyway.  Then to have to stand by while the flood destroyed his entire society.  He may have understood why it had to be, and he had given society ample warning, but that doesn't make it easy.  The rainbow was used to symbolize to Noah that God had not forgotten him, that a Savior would atone for his sins, and that the City of Enoch would return again.

I think it was so very appropriate that Noah became the angel Gabriel, and had the privilege of announcing the birth of the Savior.  After all that he sacrificed, it was a fitting task for him.  When I see a rainbow, I remember Noah, his courage and faith in his Savior.

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