Welcome to my site. This is a place where I'm sharing my experiences. As the site says, my orientation is gay. I am also an active Mormon, married to an amazing woman, and a father of a largish family.
I feel very little attachment to terms like gay, homosexual, ssa (same sex attracted), etc. I generally use them to describe my orientation. If my eyes are blue, I wouldn't say "I'm blue." Similarly, I would say "My orientation is gay," rather than "I'm gay." However, as the general usage of these terms has developed over the decades, their use has become an important way to communicate. So saying I am gay would definitely be accurate according to common usage, where it identifies my orientation. However, terms like ssa tend to pathologize orientation, and I don't like that connotation.
Please feel free to leave comments, but I do moderate them. I don't have a problem with comments with which I disagree. I do have a problem with comments that belittle others or use rude language. If you want to communicate with me without using the comments, please e-mail me: me1here1now at gmail.
My final disclaimer is that my experiences are mine. I expressly forbid anyone using my story as a measuring stick for themselves or for anybody else. If my experiences help someone, that's great. But I don't expect others to have my same experiences, stumbling blocks, successes, relationships, or anything else.