Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Required Disclaimer

It seems to be a required disclaimer that any gay guy married to a girl has to explain that it is only his own story, and that it is different from everyone elses story.  I think this serves a very important purpose, in that somebody else should not be judged by my experience and choices.  I wholeheartedly agree that nobody should have to measure up to some ideal that somebody else thinks I embody.  It's hurtful and divisive -- the opposite of Christlike love.

So, my disclaimer is that this is my story.  I do not want anybody else to use my story as a measuring stick for themselves or for anybody else.  In fact, I expressly forbid it. On the other hand, I hope there are those that can learn something from me, and that I can learn something from those who communicate with me. 

I plan on only approving appropriate comments, because I have seen so many other blogs host comments that contain ad hominem and straw man arguments.  (If you are unfamiliar with these terms, an ad hominem arguement is belittling somebody to argue against their position, and a straw man argument is when you oversimplify someone else's opinion so it is easier to lampoon.)  Anybody who avoids such arguments and uses respectful vocabulary is more likely to have thier comments approved.  I hate to have to approve comments, but I know it's easy for them to get out of hand.  I will not try to discriminate against comments with which I disagree; just show respect for others.


  1. Who Me? - I am so grateful that I was directed to your blog. I just finished reading all of your posts and I feel such a special kinship with you (and your wife). I feel compelled to want to comment on every one - so I hope it's not "overkill".

    I am especially excited, and know it's not a coincidence, that I ran across your blog TODAY as I have, for some time now, been working on starting a blog, and had actually committed to myself that Dec. 1st would be the day to buckle down and get er done. I realize that my hang-up was my desire to have some sort of "disclaimer" at the beginning to establish some "respectful of others" boundaries. I didn't want OUR (my husband & I) blog to turn into a place for heated debate and controversy. Although we DO want intelligent, thoughtful, and diverse discussion, and we appreciate all unique points of view, we DO NOT want our blog's comments to be hurtful to us or others, and we hope to keep a learning and growing environment full of love and respect and most of all where the spirit of God can be felt.

    Anyway, I have had a bit of a mental block regarding an effective way to establish some boundaries and your wording has been so helpful to me and I hope it's ok with you if I copy a few of your sentences and thoughts.

    Also, I really want to share with you another "not a coincidence" thing that has happened today - I was also dragging my feet as I knew that I would need to take some EXTENSIVE time to write our first post or some sort of synopsis explaining about our life, etc. Then, in searching through some notes for a completely different reason, I discovered that I had already written our "first post" and I had fogotten all about it. - So basically, it's done. - And a waaaaaay we goooo~~~ :) (wish me luck)

    1. Feel free to take any of the wording you want. I wrote this one by writing a very long tedious list of things and then cutting out the stupidest stuff (which was most of what I wrote) and ended up with this. Good luck with your blog!
