If a widow was sealed to her husband, and she remarries, she cannot be sealed for time and eternity to her second husband. I had a friend who was that second husband. He basically wasn't allowed to be sealed to his wife. Since it was his first marriage, he didn't get to be sealed at all. It seemed very unfair to me, but I suppose it will all be sorted out in the spirit world. Still, it seems a bit unsatisfactory to me here and now.
I want to point out that the church allows for these marriages, despite the fact that they cannot be eternal. It's not unprecedented that the church supports marriages that do not lead to eternal families, so it seems possible that the church might lighten up a bit when it comes to same gender marriage. However, even if that happens, same gender couples might very well be like my friend who is not allowed to be sealed to his wife and children.
I consider this post to be wild speculation, so please take it with a grain of salt. I don't think there is any mortal on Earth who truly understands all the intricacies of this issue. I have confidence in the leaders of the church when it comes to revelatory changes. After all, "we believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God." (9th Article of Faith)