Friday, March 22, 2013


When Abraham and Sarah received their blessings, they were promised a progeny that rivaled the sands of the sea in number, and that through their seed all the kingdoms of the world would be blessed.  But they only had one child, Isaac.  So, when the Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, it was not just about losing a son.  In some sense, it was also losing the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant.
Regardless, Abraham proved his obedience by being willing to sacrifice his son, and any hope of his blessings that had been promised to him by the Lord.  Of course, we know the angel stopped him and the ram in the thicket was provided.

When the Lord asks us to live the law of chastity, sometimes it seems like He is asking too much.  I remember, when I was a teenager, experiencing all that hormonal desire all directed at guys, that it seemed impossible that I would ever be married in the temple.  All my crushes were on guys.  I read about young men who feel that they can never be fulfilled without a sexual relationship with another guy.  But we are asked to be obedient to the law of chastity.  Like Abraham before us, it may seem like we are giving up our blessing -- our ability to be a happy person.  But if we are obedient, like Abraham, no blessing will be withheld from us.  We are promised everything our Father in Heaven has.  Let's not give up that blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your insight, and I LOVE your blog post title. Found you from M&G's site.

    I use this same concept with my weaknesses, and it has helped me so much. I am not lazy, even though I have lazy moments. I am not selfish, even though I choose selfishness sometimes. I am partly the positive gifts my Heavenly Father has given me, and partly the unique parts of my character that the Holy Ghost can bear witness of. I am someone who struggles with depression, and being able to separate from the things that cause the depression and who I really am is an extremely liberating idea. Which is why I love this particular post that goes with your blog title:

    Sorry for hijacking your post about chastity. It's a great one that shows you have more trust in the Lord even if you don't fully understand, or it's not easy to obey the command.
