Friday, August 30, 2013

Faith, Hope, Charity

What does it mean to have faith?  The first principle of the gospel is not just faith, but faith in Jesus Christ.  That's a little more specific, but what exactly does that mean?
Christ performed the infinite and eternal sacrifice for us, and we need to have faith in Him, faith enough to follow Him.  Faith both requires and leads to hope, hope that through the atonement we can be exalted, and become heirs in Christ.  Be we can also have hope that we will have joy in life now.  Hardships may come and trouble may seem never-ending, but we can still experience happiness and peace now.  Faith and hope are nice, but without charity, the pure love of Christ, they have no meaning.  Following Christ means following his example, which means we need to love and lift one another, bear one another's burdens, lift up the hands that hang down, and support those with feeble knees.  We need to love those around us enough to graciously accept offers of love and help from them (which is often harder than giving love and help).

Another question: do faith, hope, and charity have any additional application to those whose orientation is gay?

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